Aykroyd is master of ceremonies for the event - billed as the "Belushi Blues Birthday" - which commemorates John Belushi's birthday. John would have been 46 on January 24.
"Brother John B. has sent us a message and we must abide by his dictum: seek the roots of your conviction, then go forth, gaining the support of those leaders who would save our cultural heritage," said Aykroyd.
"Artists will perform some old blues songs and donate the recording to a CD. The selections for the CD will be songs not previously recorded by them," said Dan Howell, music director.
Proceeds from the event and the CD will go to the Artists Rights Foundation, a non-profit organization formed in 1991 by the Directors Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America (West), the American Society of Cinematographers, the International Photographers Guild, the American Cinema Editors,the ScreenActors Guild and the Society of Lyricists and Composers. The Foundation's purpose is to educate the public about the importance of protecting and preserving film art, gaining recognition of artists' rights and stimulating discussion to help safeguard intellectual and cultural heritage from historical revisionism.
"The goal of the `Belushi Blues Birthday' event and, ultimately, the Artists Rights Foundation, is to ensure that the words, images, music and ideas that have been digitalized can be passed on to future generations in the form that the original artists intended," said Event Chair Zemeckis.
In keeping with the Foundation's goal of protecting and preserving film art and artists' rights, a demonstration for the guests will show how the Internet can be used as a digital broadcast vehicle.
Golden ($500) and Silver ($300) Circle tickets for the event include dinner and reserved seating at the show. Golden Circle tickets also include a VIP reception, hosted by Zemeckis and Aykroyd, at the House of Blues Foundation Room. Both tickets may be purchased through Ted Kaufman at the Artists Rights Foundation (310) 289-5336 and are tax-deductable. General Admission ($50) tickets are for the show only and may be purchased directly from the House of Blues box office at (213) 650-0476.